Close-up of building material

climowool: proverbially the perfect glass wool

How did we communicate that climowool is the perfect glass wool? We chose not to - in a competitive industry, such a bold statement risks a litigious response. However, by expressing it in a cliche we not only played it safe - we managed to make an even stronger impression. And the execution worked even better than we could have hoped for.

Each slogan refers to a product feature of climowool, communicated through a famous German proverb. The great thing about this concept was that because there are so many proverbs available, we didn't have to recycle any. 

GWA Profi Award 2015
Category industrial goods
up to 50 m Euro

Drei Kampagnenplakate
Öffentliche Werbeflächen mit Kampagnenmotiven
Taschen und Postkarten als Messe Give-Aways
Blick auf den Messestand
Drei Spruchkarten
Section of a lawn motif

A campaign that just works in any context

MacBook mit Microsite